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Admire Concrete Homes provide a complete build end to end service from design through to final handover.

We build thermal mass homes in solid concrete that is poured on site, allowing our customers to have stronger, warmer and safer homes.

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We are based in Christchurch, Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand



In creating Admire Concrete Homes, we have selectively brought together a wide cross-section of expertise and knowledge within the building industry, to create a residential construction company that is synonymous with architectural design and innovation in concrete. 



Our collective expertise in design, engineering and construction innovation allows Admire Concrete Homes to construct homes using technology unique to New Zealand and achieve superior strength and insulation. An Admire Concrete Home is the most thermally efficient home you can live in.



The Admire Concrete Homes vision is to see concrete become a mainstream residential building product because it is stronger, thermally efficient, safer, low maintenance, healthier, and is superior above any other common building construction method in New Zealand.

Concrete is an exceptional building product with many benefits and advantages. In fact, more concrete is used worldwide in construction than all other materials put together. Our communities are literally built on concrete



Concrete has been used in construction for over 5000 years. It is the most used man-made material in the world, with nearly three tons used annually for each man, woman and child. Twice as much concrete is used around the world than the total of all other building materials, including wood, steel, plastic and aluminum. None of these other materials can replace concrete in terms of effectiveness and performance.

As the leaders in this technology, Admire Concrete Homes is using concrete to build more cost effective, durable, energy efficient, safer and healthier homes, than any other common building construction method in New Zealand today.

Like many people, the investment you make in your home will be your largest. Using a construction technique that ensures, not only the longevity of your investment, but the inherent strengths that Concrete presents the best choice by far.

Ensuring the future value of your investment makes absolute sense! With an Admire Concrete Home, you will not only save on routine maintenance and ongoing costs such as heating, but ultimately benefit from a higher re-sale price due to the superior weather and fire resistant properties of concrete

Concrete homes are now available in Canterbury. Admire Concrete Homes uses design & engineering innovation combined with new construction techniques to provide in-situ thermal mass walls, mid-floors and ceilings.

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